Saturday, October 22, 2005


Spring is here and the flowers are out, but so are the bees. A few days ago one took a disliking to me, and as it turns out I'm a little allergic to them. My leg swelled up a bit and has been pretty uncomfortable since, though I think it is starting to go down now.

Isn't it funny how such a small thing can cause so much discomfort! Our lives are kind of the same though. Sometimes we pay too little attention to the impact that the small things are having on our lives. As emperor Yao once said:
"With trembling heart and cautious steps,
walk daily in fear of God.
Though you never trip over a mountain,
you may often trip over a clod."

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Check This Out

How funny is this...

A 21 year old student from the UK has created a site called The Million Dollar Homepage. He didn't want to have to come out of College with a big debt so he has started selling pixels on his homepage for a Dollar each, to try and make some money. There is a space of a million pixels and after just over a month he has sold over 250,000!!! Check it out.